Tuesday 23 November 2010


Last week we presented our covers to the class and i recieved feedback and suggestions for adjustments on my cover and over the weekend i made these adjustments the first thing i got told to change is the colour, now i believed that the light blue text and sky blue background was a good idea because its like a fresh start but everyone else said i should change it to black and yellow to match the schools colours so at the weekend i used my initiative and on the side where it says 'no' to going to university i made the text black and the outline yellow to enforce that its a bad decision and then on the side of 'yes' university is the way forward i made the text white and the outline yellow to connotate that its the right decision or the 'bright' decision.

I was also told i had too much space at the top so i had to move everything up the page to give some space because everything at the bottom (the reason why to go or not to go university) was compacted.

Now i will begin my contents page.

Friday 19 November 2010

Nearly Finished My School Magazine

During the past week i have been working on my school magazine and i have come across alot of problems when using inDesign as i am not confident using it although as the week has progressed my knowledge on how to use it has increased this is mainly because Jamie helped me with alot of different things what i needed in order to get my school magazine how i wanted it such as cropping photos, i didnt have a clue how to do it then jamie taught me and now i am confident on how to crop pictures.

I am still currently having difficulty making my magazine interesting that is because i am still not comfortable with inDesign to do different things with the magazine but also because i cannot find any magazines online about the decision whether to go university i find it hard to have an idea of how i should lay it out so at the moment it seems quite boring. I just need to be Innovative.

Today we did a presentation and i was given feedback that i need to use different colours preferrably black and gold to match the kelsey park colours also move all my pictures and everything up so it takes a bit more space.