Friday 8 October 2010


Today I finished off the final version of the magazine and I presented it to the class and miss norville.

Over the last week in A level media studies i have noticed i have made great progression in using indesign which has helped me design my magazine very well. I inserted a picture of jackie chan and jet li to catch the eye of the younger audience because they would of notice them from movies, the pictures seem as though they are ready to fight which makes it extremely more interesting but then i put in a twist with Mario Kart on the Wii implying that jackie chan and jet li will be fight but on the wii!. Additionally i added in christmas presents as an advertisement issuing that there is a christmas sale which appeal to the christian audience but also to support the fact im directing the magazine at 12 - 17 year olds there is a subtitle saying '30 days to xmas!'

The name of my magazine is called iASIAN reason being is because the asians have made the ipod, ipad, iphone and the magazine is mainly a teenage technology magazine so therefore called it iASIAN.

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