Tuesday 8 November 2011


How did analysing the film trailer to Omen 2006 help you to think about the conventions of the horror genre?

The Omen is a classic horror movie and as it is an old movie the poster follows the conventions of a typical horror movie with different aspects of it. I believe it fits into the horror genre by primarily the semiotics used, the colour of black and red which could connote blood and evil which authenticates it is in the horror genre. Additionally the grave yard of crosses illustrates death and the lighting is red with a little pale faced boy standing which a straight face showing no emotion which makes the audience question what is he up to and what is so significant about him so they would want to watch the film in connection with that there is a slogan ‘Hes the beginning of the end’ which is an oxymoron to confuse the audience and engage them to want to see the movie. The title is in a gothic type of writing which makes it more daunting and it stands out contrasting with the red background.

Todorovs theory applies to the trailer to a certain extent as it begins with the equilibrium with a birthday party in a sunny town of a small innocent boy where everyone is happy but very soon after a woman jumps off a building resulting into hanging herself which begins to show the disequilibrium quickly and this would be to enforce it is quite scary and violent straight away to the audience and the bloodcurdling music matches the mood as the plot begins to get revealed even more if Todorovs theory fully applied to the trailer then it would typically finish on an equilibrium but this is challenged because it is left on a cliffhanger of a lady saying ‘please don’t let him kill me’ and then a very frightening scream which makes the audience wonder what has happened to her and if she is alright so this would not follow Todorovs theory completely.

How does this
fit into the horror genre?

What are the
typical conventions?
How does this attract the targeted audience?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuU7WpoPE3Y (Trailer 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqworUizlLk&feature=related (Trailer 2)

EXT: How does this conform to Tdorov's theory?

1 comment:

  1. This way of dissecting certain aspects of an existing, and most importantly, successful film, is good upon applying these skills to our own products!
