Tuesday 15 November 2011


This illustrates that predominantly males were asked so could potentially give inaccurate results in future I would ask more females to give me a better idea of what people would want in a horror film trailer.

This graph suggests again potentially I should have asked more of a range of different ages because that would give me more of an accurate set of results. There was more 15 - 18 so this means we would not be as explicit because the age rating would be 15 so we will use blood but just not as much to be too violent.

The majority of participants said they would want to see a horror movie set in a city however we are going against this research because we did collect some results for it to be in the woods so it wouldnt be going fully against these results. The reason we have chose the woods is through research on other horror movies also because it links in well with our storyline.


  1. Great work Warren, you have evaluated the results in your gender choices which is good, and think about how all of your results combinded may include Females so that you can appeal to them.

    It is good to see that you changed the location from being in the City to the Woods based on collective results, this is good to see you making these choices, however explain why you want to use the woods. Is it because of some of the film trailers that you have seen based in the woods that build a lot of tension and suspense.

    Keep working hard, you are on track. Well done.

  2. This is looking good Warren - make sure you follow Miss S's advice.

  3. Warren, please ensure this is completed. Many thanks,
