Tuesday 11 January 2011

From your research what are the main codes and conventions of Music magazines: What evidence can you use to support this?

The main codes and conventions of music magazines begins with one main mid shot of a recognisable artist in the middle of the cover then around it sub headings of what the magazine entails and snippets of the most exciting things in the magazine. Most music magazines have the name of the magazine in the top left corner of the cover but taking up a lot of the and make it stand out as much as the main mid shot picture.  As in the NME magazine there is a long shot photo of Gerard Way and to the left of the cover ‘NME’ (the name of the magazine. Most music magazines follow the colours of black, red and white this is to keep the feel of the dark tension in the music magazine finding out new things about music and the people involved, to create the mysterious mood, where in the Q magazine there is a close up of Cheryl Cole in the rain and the black background which is a convention of music magazines.  

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