Music magazines denote their genre and attract their target audiences by first of all the colours used, if it is ever a hip hop magazine there is usually black font on at least some of the text to show it’s a dark genre but also to signify that it’s a hip hop magazine there would be a famous artist from that genre, someone who people will recognise and then from that photo it will tell them what genre the magazine specifies on. To attract their audience which would be to specify on a certain artist and that would be someone with many fans such as the XXL hip hop magazine has Ludacris on the front and a quote for what he says which the audience will get excited about it says, ‘will shoot yo’ ass’. Also to attract their target audience the magazine will include a list of some of the artists included in the magazine. As I am doing a grime magazine I have researched the main forums for where grime music is to be found and it is a website called ‘Grime Daily’ and the colours used on there is Yellow and black but also there is a website called ‘SBTV’ which is blue and white so I believe I have the choice between the two to chose what colours I will be using.
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