Tuesday 11 January 2011

What information will you need to look for in your research?

In my research I will look at the colours which will suit the genre of music that I will be choosing and in order to do this I will have to research the magazines of this genre on a number of websites which I visit on a day to day basis. Also in my research I may have look at what grime magazines do not include in their magazine to make mine unique and stand out additionally I must analyze what attracts readers to grime magazines even if that particular audience is not interested in the genre, this could be leaks of different artists from different genres working with a grime artist. I will have to research which other artists other than myself that are doing a lot of work at the moment and are up and coming successful artists, I will do this by using you tube but also forums and blogs on websites will help me decide which artists to include on the cover of my magazine.

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