Friday 16 December 2011

Reflection on the Filming

How did you work together as a group?
As a group we started by assigning roles to each other so we covered every aspect as we went and that we didn’t forget anything, initially I was allocated to be in charge of directing and editing, Robert was in charge of mise en scene and designing the poster and magazine and Muaadh was in charge of the sound, dialogue and getting people to be in trailer this was because we each excelled in those areas however we assisted each other. We worked well as a group as Muaadh got people to be involved in the trailer and they thoroughly enjoyed being the video which made it easier to film. Allocating specific roles to each of us made the quality of our work be more suffient and more accurate to what we wanted, as it was more organised. We all had specific roles so for example: I was in charge of directed and editing so therefore I had an image in my head that I could do an match eyeline frame shot but I also knew that when editing I can zoom into my character which made the match eyeline frame more authentic as I had to distinguish where to position my friend holding the camera and where I should be in the shot.

What were you responsible for doing?
I was responsible for directing what shots should be used and what angles to approach them I was mainly responsible for this because I direct and edit music videos in my spare time in addition I was responsible for the editing because I have a background experience in editing which was an advantage to our group also I have a program at home to edit which made it easier to find time to edit it as that is the longest part of the production. Also I carried out ongoing editing so if I thought that we needed more shots it was my role to gather the group together and get those shots that I needed. As I had background experience of editing videos I used a program which I use at home called Sony Vegas Pro 10.0. As we were producing a horror movie trailer I knew that close ups were important to show how scared they were or if they were struggling to illustrate this was a horror movie so the audience recognize the genre immediately.

When I was directing I may have been a little strict or short tempered but this was to ensure that everyone followed instructions however I was easy to negotiate with because I know I'm not a professional video director so I listened to others ideas and for example when deciding what shot was needed for the end when I was trying to get into the car I suggested the last s
hot to be an extreme close up of the keys dropping on the floor whereas, Muaadh suggested switching scenes from a Point of view shot from the killers view and an extreme close up of my character struggling to get into the car because this will build up the suspense more and with the epic fast paced music in the background which Muaadh was responsible for it suited well and it worked.

What locations did you choose and why?
We chose the majority of the trailer to be in the woods this was decided as a result from distributing questionnaires and some people suggested they would want to see a horror movie in a woods also through research we was using ‘The Hills have Eyes’, ‘Wilderness’ and ‘Wrong Turn’ as a guide and they were successful horror films which were set in the woods. Additionally we chose the woods because it was feasible to get there as it was not too far from our school which was why we didn’t use a haunted house which our questionnaire results gave us because it would be very time consuming. We also used our teacher's office for the opening shots where we receive the camping assignment for our boss to allow the audience to understand the plot of this film. I used my bedroom to stick up a few photos of all of us at parties and having a good time with friends to imply innocence for the characters for the shot where the killer has circled who he has targetted because my bedroom had a plain white wall for me to do that additionally I used my garden at night for the close up of the killer holding the knife with blood because I also had a garden light to help me.

What props did you use in your trailer?
We used a large knife as the killer’s weapon because it is a very typical murder weapon's also it is very phallic. We used fake blood to create a more authentic look to the killer and victims linking to this we used gloves for the killer at times to hide his identity in the trailer because we did not give away his identity for the whole trailer but in the film you would find out who the killer was. We used photos of us for the trailer to illustrate we were the killers targets hence our slogan ‘Unfinished Business….’ because the killer wants to seek revenge. We attempted to create a fire in the woods to give authenticity that we were at camp, this was difficult as we had to use paper because the wood was wet but we managed to create a little fire. We used a car to make it look more like we were older men from work given this assignment.

How did you create a realistic atmosphere?
The realistic atmosphere was created by the location as it was very isolated and could see the roads also specifically in scenes were Robert gets snatched Muaadh and my pal Imran shook the bushes to make it seem like there was a movement so Robert becomes agitated and frightened. Furthermore to create the correct atmosphere facial expressions were very important to look afraid and unaccompanied. The camera angles used were important to create the realistic atmosphere therefore close ups such as, as soon as Robert hears the bushes moving you see his facial expression to illustrate he is terrified and this caused the audience to believe that if the character is scared then they may be scared and recognize it is a horror movie.

Were there any difficulties you faced whilst filming? (People walking into your shots?) How did you resolve this issue?
People walked into our shots at the end as it was just outside the woods where the car was parked and it made it difficult to shoot so we had to wait till they left, this meant that we knew we had to shoot quickly before any more people pass through this wasn’t much of a problem because we followed our storyboard so we knew what we had to do exactly with facial expressions, sounds and what the shot entailed.

Tuesday 15 November 2011


This illustrates that predominantly males were asked so could potentially give inaccurate results in future I would ask more females to give me a better idea of what people would want in a horror film trailer.

This graph suggests again potentially I should have asked more of a range of different ages because that would give me more of an accurate set of results. There was more 15 - 18 so this means we would not be as explicit because the age rating would be 15 so we will use blood but just not as much to be too violent.

The majority of participants said they would want to see a horror movie set in a city however we are going against this research because we did collect some results for it to be in the woods so it wouldnt be going fully against these results. The reason we have chose the woods is through research on other horror movies also because it links in well with our storyline.

Magazine Research

1. What is the title, price and frequency of the your magazine (weekly/monthly)
The title of our magazine is 'Memory' we chose this name because it connotes death in terms of remembering someone who has died so this would link to the horrror genre because from research I have noticed the title is usually related to death or in gore such as 'Gorezone', 'Virus', 'Horrorhound'. The price of our magazine would be targeted at over 15's so we would issue it for £1.50. The magazine would have to be a monthly issue as new films do not get released every day so there would not be alot to include in the magazine.

2. Where will your title be? (Font/position/size/name?)
I have noticed from research that the font of the title is usually in either a gothic style or gorry style and because we are calling the magazine 'Memory' I think it would suit to be in a gothic font, additionally all magazines I have researched in the horror genre use the colour black red and white, the red is a semiotic to illustrate blood, we may use a red text against a dark background however that may not make the title stand out.

3. What the pictures will you use? What will they suggest?
The main photo will either be a mid shot or long shot of the 3 main protaganists with the red eyes of the monster in our film behind us and with our facial expressions being afraid and shocked this will suggest the monster is after us. I also think it is important that we include a photo of a celebrity from another upcoming film that will be using the two-step flow theory of getting people attracted to the magazine. The magazine below shows a photo of Natasha Lyonne so fans of her would be instantly attracted to the magazine.

4. What information will you give about the magazine’s contents?
- How will this information be given? (gimmicks, quotes)
I would include a cliffhanger on the front cover of our film with a little caption saying something along the lines of 'Will they all survive?' this will engage readers to want to see inside but also to do that use the celebrity endorsement and write a caption saying 'find out what their favourite film is and their DIRTIEST SECRET' this will instantly engage the readers. Finally along the sides of the magazine I may include gimmicks and other films that are coming out.
6. How will you appeal to your target audience? (Gender, age, type of person)
The targetted audience for our magazine will be over 15's predominantly males but anyone who is interested in horror films this could be focused on gothic people, grungers, people who have a rock background so to target them I may write a gimmick at the top saying 'win free tickets to see slipknot live!', but it could also be targeted at couples because couples like to watch horror films together.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Key elements needed for our group film poster

Betrayed is a horror movie that includes many of the main conventions to identify it is a horror movie. Firstly the lowkey lighting indicates it will be a gloomy film and danger as the photos are in the shadows. To authenticate it is in the horror genre the faceial expression of the young innocent woman is scared and shocked, this is illustrated with her eyes widened and looking towards the othger photo of the close up of an older man but the opacity of his photo is reduced giving a view as if he isnt really there. This photo links to Claude Levi-Strauss theory of the idea of good vs evil where we see the potential villain in the film next to the protaganist this gives the audience an idea of what the film entails. In our film we have a villain as a monster so we could use this as an idea because the group of us are the innocent protagnists but there is a monster in the woods with us so for out poster we could potentially have the eyes of the monster next to us looking all scared with frightened faces.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


How did analysing the film trailer to Omen 2006 help you to think about the conventions of the horror genre?

The Omen is a classic horror movie and as it is an old movie the poster follows the conventions of a typical horror movie with different aspects of it. I believe it fits into the horror genre by primarily the semiotics used, the colour of black and red which could connote blood and evil which authenticates it is in the horror genre. Additionally the grave yard of crosses illustrates death and the lighting is red with a little pale faced boy standing which a straight face showing no emotion which makes the audience question what is he up to and what is so significant about him so they would want to watch the film in connection with that there is a slogan ‘Hes the beginning of the end’ which is an oxymoron to confuse the audience and engage them to want to see the movie. The title is in a gothic type of writing which makes it more daunting and it stands out contrasting with the red background.

Todorovs theory applies to the trailer to a certain extent as it begins with the equilibrium with a birthday party in a sunny town of a small innocent boy where everyone is happy but very soon after a woman jumps off a building resulting into hanging herself which begins to show the disequilibrium quickly and this would be to enforce it is quite scary and violent straight away to the audience and the bloodcurdling music matches the mood as the plot begins to get revealed even more if Todorovs theory fully applied to the trailer then it would typically finish on an equilibrium but this is challenged because it is left on a cliffhanger of a lady saying ‘please don’t let him kill me’ and then a very frightening scream which makes the audience wonder what has happened to her and if she is alright so this would not follow Todorovs theory completely.

How does this
fit into the horror genre?

What are the
typical conventions?
How does this attract the targeted audience? (Trailer 1) (Trailer 2)

EXT: How does this conform to Tdorov's theory?

Thursday 24 March 2011

My Presentation for My Final Products


Presentation Feedback

Last week I did my presentation and went well (I will be uploading it to my blog soon) The main problem i had is that i did not include 4 photos and on the syllabus it says you need 4 pictures whereas I only had 3. From this feedback I have now imported two screenshots from Melodi's video and put it into the interview to make it look more interesting and relate to what he is saying. I recieved alot of positive feedback on the fact i specified my target audience.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

How does my music magazine represent particular social groups ?

My magazine represents grime being a genre which is not as appreciated as other genres so therefore it represents young males (my targeted audience) as being young and different developing a new style of music also this represents Melodi of being fit and young by his baseball jacket being worn also his posture shows alot of confidence and strength.

Monday 7 March 2011

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I believe I have improved so much since my preliminary task due to my improved understanding of InDesign therefore I have learnt a lot of the specifics in using the program. I have also learnt more about the codes and conventions and how essential they are, due to learning more of the denotations of some of the codes and conventions for music magazines. I have improved thanks to the feedback from miss norville but also from my class mates and Jamie who helped me with specific problems with the program such as cropping and sorting out the layers and many more different minor problems that I come across. From my preliminary task I have learnt I need to stick to certain colors and fonts instead of mixing them up.

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From my magazine I have learnt how to use InDesign much better than when I made my school magazine, I used photoshop only to crop pictures but everything else in InDesign. In my front cover I was able to change colors of the text to make certain parts stand out I also learnt how to rotate text at angles. In my contents I put pictures behind the text which was something I didnt know how to do but learnt due to the help of Jamie. Finally in my double page spread I learnt how to bend the text around the image in order to make it more interesting and different than some double page spreads in music magazines, therefore I challenged the codes and conventions.
I approached InDesign not knowing where to start but I learnt from my school magazine what I should do first, so first I did the background with a gradient which set the mood then I did the title which reflected the background after that I got the mid shot photo of Melodi so then I could see exactly how much space I have to fill in with anything I want, which helped me construct my time well. Overally I think I have improved tremendously since my school magazine because of my use with InDesign.

How did I attract my audience?

In order to attract my audience I began by attracting grime fans by using the colours from because this is the main source to grime music also i used a similar logo as the title as Grime Daily because this would catch grime fans eyes. I used Melodi as my main photo because he is an upcoming artist who is heading in the right direction so for young people who have a dream they can look up to Melodi in a way to show that anyone can do what they put there heart to. Wretch 32 is one of the best grime artists in the UK with a huge fan base so I included his latest single in my magazine because it is a succesful grime song in the charts which doesnt happen often so putting that there attracts people who are interested in that song. Additionally I attracted Melodi's fans by putting his latest mixtape on the front and made the the name 'Minor To A Major Vol. 1' in white to make it stand out, Melodi's fans will see this and will want to hear it.

Who is the targeted audience?

The audience of my magazine is generally 12 – 20 year olds who are interested in grime music but it can narrow down to teenagers who are interested to enter the grime scene because I included a interview with ‘Melodi’ and that shows his journey which can be inspiring. It is not targetted at any specific gender however mostly males are interested in grime. Also I included a rhetorical question including 'Lady Gaga' who is a worldwide artist so therefore her fans would be interested in the magazine, which also applies to the other grime artists i included along the side. Also rap music as a whole has mainly attracted black people but over the years white people are interested in the music so it is not targeted at any specific race.

What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?

A low budget brand new media institituion may be interested in distributing my magazine because there are no grime magazines out at the moment and that may be because Grime as a genre have not evolved enough and there needs to be more fans in general for Grime. So therefore this brand new media institution will be more able to take risks and distribute my magazine. Also a media institution which focuses on younger people would distribute my magazine because the majority of grime fans are teenagers and also the magazine is inspiring as it would appeal to young people who have a dream.

In what ways does my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When I started my grime magazine I knew I wouldnt be able to fully follow the codes and conventions of a music magazine because I had trouble doing my researching due to the fact there were no grime magazines I could find so I had to use hip hop and rap magazines as my research as it is a similar genre. So I used a magazine called Source as my template but as this was a brand new genre to make a magazine for I used my iniatitive and challenged the conventions of using black white and red by using black white and dark orange and i used dark orange because that is from the grime daily website which is the main source to grime music so therefore would catch grime fans eyes.

I also used a mid shot photo and placed it into the same position as the one shown on the source magazine above, but to develop this convention I inserted more captions around my one so it would look like theres more to expect from my magazine, additionally i followed  and developed the convention of writing a main eye catching question at the top of the magazine by doing a rhetorical question under the title but also adding small captions at the top of it.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Finiishing My Front Cover and Finishing Contents

I Have just completed my front cover may come back to it to touch up on it but also i have ultimately finished my contents page with some finishing touches to be made. I am now in the process of writing up the interview with Melodi.
This is what my contents looks like so far:

Friday 14 January 2011

How do you intend to represent the genre – what signifiers will you use? What ideas do you have for the design of your magazine / contents page?

In order to signify the genre of my magazine it will be difficult as grime is a less appreciated genre and not everyone knows much about the genre. So to initially signify it is a grime magazine to grime fans the font of my title will be similar if not the same as the font of grime daily (because is the main source to grime music, every grime fan knows about grime daily) as this will appeal to them because they will know this is a grime magazine. Additionally to signify it is a grime magazine I will also use the same colours as grime daily as which yellow, black and white and I believe that if any person notices a magazine with yellow in it will catch there eye because if I was following the codes and conventions of music magazine it would be red and most magazines use those colours. The main mid shot photo of me might signify that it is a grime magazine as I am a established grime artist and when people see the main photo of me they will recognise it being a grime magazine. In the contents page.




This is too give a view of what genre my music magazine is

Also here is one of my videos:

Most Viewed Video:

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Who do you intend to be your Target Audience? Define them and give ideas as to how to attract them.

I intend my target audience to be mainly teenagers who listen to grime music but also boys who are interested in becoming an artist and rising to the top of the scene. In order to attract them I want to make the title of my magazine, ‘Grime is Alive’ and use a similar font to the font used for grime daily, (the main source to grime music news) because this will make the teenagers and listeners of grime realise it is a grime magazine so it will catch there eyes.  

How do the Music magazines signify their genre and attract their Target Audiences? Give evidence to support your answer.

Music magazines denote their genre and attract their target audiences by first of all the colours used, if it is ever a hip hop magazine there is usually black font on at least some of the text to show it’s a dark genre but also to signify that it’s a hip hop magazine there would be a famous artist from that genre, someone who people will recognise and then from that photo it will tell them what genre the magazine specifies on. To attract their audience which would be to specify on a certain artist and that would be someone with many fans such as the XXL hip hop magazine has Ludacris on the front and a quote for what he says which the audience will get excited about it says, ‘will shoot yo’ ass’. Also to attract their target audience the magazine will include a list of some of the artists included in the magazine. As I am doing a grime magazine I have researched the main forums for where grime music is to be found and it is a website called ‘Grime Daily’ and the colours used on there is Yellow and black but also there is a website called ‘SBTV’ which is blue and white so I believe I have the choice between the two to chose what colours I will be using.

From your research what are the main codes and conventions of Music magazines: What evidence can you use to support this?

The main codes and conventions of music magazines begins with one main mid shot of a recognisable artist in the middle of the cover then around it sub headings of what the magazine entails and snippets of the most exciting things in the magazine. Most music magazines have the name of the magazine in the top left corner of the cover but taking up a lot of the and make it stand out as much as the main mid shot picture.  As in the NME magazine there is a long shot photo of Gerard Way and to the left of the cover ‘NME’ (the name of the magazine. Most music magazines follow the colours of black, red and white this is to keep the feel of the dark tension in the music magazine finding out new things about music and the people involved, to create the mysterious mood, where in the Q magazine there is a close up of Cheryl Cole in the rain and the black background which is a convention of music magazines.  

What information will you need to look for in your research?

In my research I will look at the colours which will suit the genre of music that I will be choosing and in order to do this I will have to research the magazines of this genre on a number of websites which I visit on a day to day basis. Also in my research I may have look at what grime magazines do not include in their magazine to make mine unique and stand out additionally I must analyze what attracts readers to grime magazines even if that particular audience is not interested in the genre, this could be leaks of different artists from different genres working with a grime artist. I will have to research which other artists other than myself that are doing a lot of work at the moment and are up and coming successful artists, I will do this by using you tube but also forums and blogs on websites will help me decide which artists to include on the cover of my magazine.

What are your first thoughts in response to this task – you may include ideas:

My initial thoughts in response to this task are the idea of it being a magazine about who in the UK is to be a young successful artist next. I find this task a very interesting one especially as it music is my favourite hobby so I can be included in the magazine but I do not want to narrow it down all to me I want to expand it so I can include more on the cover, music describes me as a person, I believe as long a I develop my skills using the programs inDesign and Photoshop this task will be extremely easy and very enjoyable. I am going to base my magazine on the genre of grime artists from the UK who are up and coming.

Friday 7 January 2011

Font of Title

This is the font i want to use as my title

My General Idea

I Will be doing a music magazine about grime music, this is a type of hip hop genre but in a UK version and i chose this idea because i am an upcoming artist in the UK myself so i'd thought it would be a much easier root to do a magazine about a genre i am connected to. I also want it to be mainly about upcoming artists but me being the main one.

The Design

I am looking to get a mid shot photo of me as the centre image with a black background then at the top the title of the magazine, which will be called 'Grime Is Alive', I Will use a similar font as the logo from so this would attract the audience and make them recognise that it is a grime magazine, and maybe use the same shade of yellow as it is on the website but may adapt the colour into being red or white in order to follow the codes and conventions of music magazines. I Will then have one mid shot photo of 2 other upcoming artists on each side of the photo of me but in a smaller version to indicate who else is upcoming, these will be photos of artists who i know but who are either as recognisable as me or more!. but also down the side of the magazine i will include a question saying 'Which artist is now working with P.Diddy? read inside' this will attract the audiences attention because P.Diddy is a worldwide known artist and would appeal to people and encourage them to read the magazine.

Target Audience

My target audience is mainly people who are interested in grime aged from 12 to 24 as most grime fans are that age and usually fans of grime are male. Also i intend my target audience to be young mcs who are extremely interested to do enter the grime scene and my aim is to influence them to go for there dream.

Starting New Music Magazine

Just started planning and researching the magazine and i will post my ideas on my blog later on today from that but my basic idea of the design is a grime magazine about upcoming artists across south east london, i will have a picture of me because i am an upcoming artist. and around the sides of different artists a couple different artists and also a rhetorical question. My researching and planning wll be up today.